Are Rabbit Droppings a Good Fertilizer for a Garden?
Are Rabbit Droppings a Good Fertilizer for a Garden?. Rabbits are adorable animals, simple to care for and very popular as pets. An additional bonus is they can provide a useful product for your garden by utilizing their droppings as plant fertilizer. Improving and feeding soil contributes to better plant growth and the prospect of better crop...
Rabbits are adorable animals, simple to care for and very popular as pets. An additional bonus is they can provide a useful product for your garden by utilizing their droppings as plant fertilizer. Improving and feeding soil contributes to better plant growth and the prospect of better crop yields. Using your furry friend's waste this way saves on unnecessary garbage disposal while providing environmentally friendly soil enrichment for free.
All plants have their preferences for basic requirements such as levels of sunlight, temperature or location in order to live and thrive. The three main nutrients plants need are nitrogen for leaf growth and photosynthesis, phosphorus to aid development of the whole plant and potassium to assist in food processing. Adding these and other essential nutrients to soil in the form rabbit droppings fertilizer will benefit growing conditions for any type of plants.
The droppings of rabbits are generally odorless; any smell is likely from urine. Newspaper, sawdust, straw, recycled cardboard pellets and shavings are all ideal natural matter. Use these to line hutches or as filling for house rabbit litter trays. The droppings and these organic materials readily break down in garden soil or a garden compost bin to provide effective free garden fertilizer.
Rabbit owners have a ready supply of fertilizer on tap at hutch cleanout time. For those wanting a house rabbit, these pets are intelligent and clean animals easily trained to make use of a litter tray. Relatives, friends, neighbors or rabbit breeders are all potential suppliers of a regular quantity of fertilizer material. Rescue center or pet store offerings may contain droppings from other animals such as cats or dogs whose waste can contain dangerous bacteria and parasites harmful to humans.
Spread rabbit droppings onto soil to decompose during autumn and winter or dig them directly into soil at any time. However, its high nitrogen content can be too strong for some plants. Diluting the rabbit waste with extra sawdust or rotted organic material will reduce its potency. Allowing the droppings to naturally rot down for a period in a garden compost bin is an alternative solution to lessen the nitrogen content. Sawdust or cardboard pellets are a better choice for your garden than clay pellets often used in pet litter trays.
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