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Plants That Keep Spider Mites Away

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Plants That Keep Spider Mites Away

Plants That Keep Spider Mites Away. Spider mites are tiny parasites that feed on garden plants using special mouth parts to suck fluids from plants they infest. This causes plants to look scorched, as they dry up, wither and die. Once the spider mites infest a plant, they spin webs between stems and leaves of the plants similar to spider webs...

Spider mites are tiny parasites that feed on garden plants using special mouth parts to suck fluids from plants they infest. This causes plants to look scorched, as they dry up, wither and die. Once the spider mites infest a plant, they spin webs between stems and leaves of the plants similar to spider webs (hence the name). Certain plants are known to repel spider mites and are a useful means of spider mite control.
This herb grows 1 to 3 feet tall in maturity, producing leaves and fruits used in cooking. The small, ball-shaped seeds are ground or crushed to season foods. Coriander repels spiders mites from itself and when planted near other plants that do not repel the mites. Plant around other plants as a hedge or alongside those plants to protect them from spider mite infestations. Dried coriander leaves or seeds may be brewed into a tea to spray over plants for added spider mite protection.
A member of the carrot family, dill produces feathery foliage that may reach heights of up to 3 feet. The thin "leaves" of dill are often dried or used fresh in a variety of foods from soups to salads to dips. Dill produces a pungent aroma and repels spider mites when grown as a protective hedge around other plants. Dill also repels mites when grown alongside susceptible plants.
One clove of garlic, when planted, may produce a bulb with up to 20 more cloves. The bulbs also produce long, green onionlike foliage on top of the soil. Garlic is a good neighbor in the garden, growing well alongside most other plants. The fact that the plant repels spider mites and other pests sweetens the pot even more. Plant cloves of garlic around plants you wish to protect from pests including spider mites, beetles and aphids.
Pyrethrum chrysanthemums are a natural insect repellent. Pyrethrum was traditionally used in numerous insecticides, but use has declined due to unwanted toxic effects among humans and animals. However, grown as a plant, Pyrethrum is safe for garden use as a plant form of insecticide. Plant the flowers around borders of garden beds or among garden plants to naturally repel spider mites. This is a general insect repellent also effective against beetles, thrips, grubs, aphids and flying insects across the board.

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