The Disadvantages of the Amazoy Zoysia Grass
The Disadvantages of the Amazoy Zoysia Grass. Amazoy zoysia grass, also known as Meyer or Z-52, is an improved variety of zoysia japonica released by the Department of Agriculture in 1951. According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension, amazoy zoysia is often called the "miracle" grass for its cold tolerance and ability to spread faster than...
Amazoy zoysia grass, also known as Meyer or Z-52, is an improved variety of zoysia japonica released by the Department of Agriculture in 1951. According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension, amazoy zoysia is often called the "miracle" grass for its cold tolerance and ability to spread faster than other zoysia varieties. Like many grasses, amazoy zoysia has its disadvantages.
Growth Habit
Though amazoy zoysia grass spreads faster than other varieties of zoysia grass, it is still slow to establish compared to other types of turf. Amazoy zoysia grass is grown vegetatively by sprigs or plugs. It may take two growing seasons before a lawn is fully established.
Amazoy zoysia grass is susceptible to hunting billbugs and nematodes.
Like all varieties of zoysia grass, thatch can be become a problem in amazoy zoysia. If regular maintenance like dethatching is not preformed, an entire lawn may have to be replaced.
Fertilization and Irrigation
Amazoy zoysia needs to be fertilized and irrigated frequently to look its best. Because of its constant need for water and fertilizer it can be very high maintenance.
Since it is slow growing, amazoy zoysia grass does not need to be mowed as often as faster growing turfs. A reel mower should be used to cut amazoy zoysia grass. Using a reel mower is slower than using a gas powered rotary mower, but it is necessary to maintain the beauty of the grass.
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