Herbicides for Pastures
Herbicides for Pastures. Weeds and woody plants can easily take over a pasture and make it difficult for animals to graze. When deciding what herbicide to apply to your pasture, there are several factors to consider, including what kind of plants the herbicide kills, when it can be applied and if its use is restricted. Consider these crucial...
Weeds and woody plants can easily take over a pasture and make it difficult for animals to graze. When deciding what herbicide to apply to your pasture, there are several factors to consider, including what kind of plants the herbicide kills, when it can be applied and if its use is restricted. Consider these crucial questions before applying any chemical to your pasture.
Use PastureGard on established grass to combat woody and brush plants. PastureGard kills brush such as blackberry, privet and rose, as well as woody plants such as sweet gum, persimmon and wax myrtle. It is safe to use around tree roots and grass. Apply PastureGard in early summer to control woody plants. PastureGard is not a restricted-use herbicide and can be used as a spot treatment for individual plants.
Cimarron 60DF
If the Bermuda grass in your pasture as been established for 60 days or more, it's safe to apply Cimarron 60DF. Apply the herbicide to the pasture before the weeds reach 4 inches tall. Cimarron 60DF is used to control buttercups, chickweed, dandelion, horseweed and more. Cimarron 60DF stays in the soil after an application, so always wait the allotted time stated on the label before recropping.
Surmount is used to control hard-to-handle brush and weeds. Surmount is a restricted-use herbicide and a license is required for purchase. Apply Surmount in the summer to rid your pasture of ironweed, blackberry, horsenettle, pricklypear, honey locust and thistles. The weeds and brush absorb the herbicide through their roots, steams and foliage, which kills the plants. Surmount can be used around desirable grasses without harm.
Weedmaster kills a wide range of weeds, but does not handle hard-to-control weeds as well as other herbicides. For difficult weeds and brush, apply multiple applications of Weedmaster. Weedmaster works well as a spot treatment for buttercups, chickweed and dandelions.
Grazon is a restricted-use pesticide, and you must have a license to both purchase and apply the chemical. Grazon controls broadleaf weeds and woody plants such as cocklebur, thistles and ragweed. Grazon can be applied in March to mid-summer to control weeds.
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