Mini Orchid Care
Mini Orchid Care. Orchids are diverse plants with variances in size, color and preferred growing conditions. According to, there are 106 different species of miniature Orchids. Although miniature Orchids can reach up to six inches in height, giant varieties may reach up to 48 inches or taller.

Orchids are diverse plants with variances in size, color and preferred growing conditions. According to, there are 106 different species of miniature Orchids. Although miniature Orchids can reach up to six inches in height, giant varieties may reach up to 48 inches or taller.
According to Better Homes & Gardens, beginner orchid growers often over water the plants. Most mini orchids require a dry spell in between watering.

Mini orchids prefer higher humidity levels of 70 to 80 percent; the minimum humidity is 50 percent. Mist indoor plants between waterings to keep humidity levels high.
Mini orchids flourish best when placed near a southern or eastern facing window; western windows frequently prove to be too hot.
Even miniature orchids need support so their stems don't break. If you purchase mini orchids from a home center or nursery, they will come with a supporting rod to keep the stem upright.
Repot orchids every 1 to 2 years. Purchase orchid potting mix, commonly made from bark or moss, at a nursery or home center.
Depending on the species and its natural habitat, mini orchids may require different amounts of water, humidity, and light. Consult the instructions that came with your orchid for more information on the best way to care for your particular species of orchid.
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