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The Best Roses for Ground Cover

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The Best Roses for Ground Cover

The Best Roses for Ground Cover. Groundcovers are low-growing, flowering or nonflowering plants used for a number of purposes in the landscape. This includes covering bare expanses of ground in the landscape, acting as transition between grass and the taller plants and trees and for defining space. The best roses for groundcovers are those with a...

Groundcovers are low-growing, flowering or nonflowering plants used for a number of purposes in the landscape. This includes covering bare expanses of ground in the landscape, acting as transition between grass and the taller plants and trees and for defining space. The best roses for groundcovers are those with a low mature height and with a bushy growth that creates a dense cover. Flowering groundcovers such as roses help to blend beauty with functionality.
Child's Play
Child play (Rosa 'SAVachild') is a miniature variety that grows to a mature height of about 2 feet. The plant has an erect, bushy growth, which creates good groundcover and blooms with small-sized, pink-shaded, semidouble flower that appear singly or in clusters. Child's play has dark green, matt foliage and displays a good resistance to disease.
Coral Flower Carpet
Coral flower carpet (Rosa 'Noala') is a ground cover rose also referred to as alfabia. The plant grows to a mature height of 2 to 3 feet and blooms with clusters of coral pink flowers that turn reddish coral as they mature. Coral flower carpet produces the slightly fragrant flowers all through the summer and has glossy, dark-green foliage. The disease-resistant plant does not require deadheading and spreads up to 4 feet. Coral flower carpet tolerate areas of light shade.
Sun Runner
Sun runner (Rosa 'Interdust') is a groundcover rose with a rapid growth rate, also referred to as stardust. The plant blooms with 1-? inch, yellow, single flowers in large clusters. The flowers have a light citrus scent, and the plants achieve a spread of 3 to 5 feet. Sun runner groundcover rose grows to a mature height of 1 to 2 feet.
The Fairy
The Fairy (Rosa 'The Fairy') bears light-pink, double flowers in large clusters between summer and fall and achieves a full height of 2 to 3 feet. The Fairy has a good level of resistance to disease and the compact, vigorous growth habit makes it among the good ground cover rose choices. The medium green foliage is small and the flowers are not scented. The Fairy is tolerant of infertile soil and areas of shade.

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