The Best Small & Narrow Shrubs
The Best Small & Narrow Shrubs. Some species of small and narrow shrubs naturally take on an upright, columnar shape. Other hedges and shrubs can be trained into narrow, small-statured specimens with proper pruning techniques. Whichever type of shrub you prefer -- from flowering evergreen to conifer to drought-resistant specimens -- choosing a...
Some species of small and narrow shrubs naturally take on an upright, columnar shape. Other hedges and shrubs can be trained into narrow, small-statured specimens with proper pruning techniques. Whichever type of shrub you prefer -- from flowering evergreen to conifer to drought-resistant specimens -- choosing a shrub suitable for your garden's growing conditions will determine how well it thrives.
Columnar yews require little to no pruning. They grow in natural narrow columns. Japanese yews yield red fruits. Horticulturists from Purdue University comment positively about the colorful Taxas cuspidata and its cultivars. Other recommended Japanese yews are the Taxus x media and the Irish yew, Taxus baccata, which is extremely drought resistant. Other yew species require moist soil. The shrubs can grow quite tall - up to 20 feet in some instances. Shorter cultivars such as the "Densa" will grow to 4 feet.
American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis),is also known as Eastern Arborvitae and White Cedar. The cultivar Pyramidal Arborvitae (T. occidentalis 'Fastigiata') takes on a columnar form. These shrubs require moist soils and are incapable of surviving droughts and dry conditions, though they are cold hardy. The shrubs can grow quite high but dwarf varieties are available and often used in home landscaping.
Italian Cypress
The narrow, dark green, drought-tolerant Italian Cypress can reach heights up to 40 feet, though this is generally not typical. Its tall stature makes it impractical for small gardens and most residential landscapes. However, homeowners who wish to plant privacy screens or who own large tracts of land may consider planting these hardy shrubs.
Dwarf Bamboo
Bambusa sasa pygara grows about 1 foot high, making a neat, upright border. Unlike running bamboo, this dwarf bamboo's clumping growth pattern will not overgrow the area. The species is cold hardy, although it should receive protective mulch in fall.
Dwarf False Cypress
False cypress (Chamaecyparis) provides a landscape with textures and colors not seen in other shrubs. Different cultivars such as "Golden Mop" offer yellow foliage, while more traditional cultivars display bluish-green feathery evergreen fronds. Most false cypress reach 40 feet tall and are used in commercial landscapes, golf courses and public parks. They are not typically seen in residential landscapes. Dwarf varieties, however, are available in some nurseries. Choose columnar or pyramidal forms to grow narrow, upright shrubs.
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