When to Plant Moon Flowers
When to Plant Moon Flowers. If you are a night person then you'll like fragrant moon flowers. Their large white flowers only appear after sunset and close at sunrise. A tender perennial vine that is grown as an annual in most areas, the moon flower can climb to 12 to 16 ft. quickly. Moon flowers are pollinated by moths during the night.
If you are a night person then you'll like fragrant moon flowers. Their large white flowers only appear after sunset and close at sunrise. A tender perennial vine that is grown as an annual in most areas, the moon flower can climb to 12 to 16 ft. quickly. Moon flowers are pollinated by moths during the night.
Moon flower plants are easy to grow from seed after the last frost. They are very sensitive to frost, so they are treated as annuals in most areas. The seeds are relatively hard and can be nicked and soaked over night for quicker germination. The seeds can be started indoors in northern areas, then transplanted outside after the threat of frost is gone. Plant moon flower seeds when the moon is new. The soil condition isn't important; these plants actually thrive in poor soil and in drought conditions. Plant the seeds 1/4 in. deep in full sun and where the vine can climb up toward the moon. Water thoroughly and you should see the plants begin to sprout in two to three weeks.
Care and Maintenance
Moon flower plants are easy to care for. They just need regular watering and a place to climb. They are insect and disease resistant and do not need additional fertilization. In zones 8 to 11, the moon flower will reseed itself and can become evasive. Clip off the dead blooms or seed pods to prevent this. If you want to collect seeds for next year, wait until the seed pods have dried on the vine before harvesting them, then break open the pod and collect the seeds. The seeds are poisonous if ingested, so be sure to keep them away from children and animals.
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