Home Remedies for Lawn Grubs
Home Remedies for Lawn Grubs. Grubs are considered pests and harmful to lawns, eating roots of the grass and other plants and leading to the gestation of beetles, who will also destroy and eat the lawn. Killing or removing lawn grubs early is integral to the healthiest lawn possible. There are a number of home remedies people have discovered.
Grubs are considered pests and harmful to lawns, eating roots of the grass and other plants and leading to the gestation of beetles, who will also destroy and eat the lawn. Killing or removing lawn grubs early is integral to the healthiest lawn possible. There are a number of home remedies people have discovered.
Compost Tea
Tiny organisms and bacteria will actually eat grubs in the lawn, so by creating a large number of these and spreading them around your yard, the grub problem can be quickly eradicated and your grass will be healthier for it--this is basically liquid compost. If you have a compost pile already, simply mix compost in water until it is viscous and allow it to sit for a few days in a closed container that's room temperature so the bacteria and tiny organisms can substantially multiply. Spread this "tea" out across the yard or in the particular areas where the grubs are becoming a problem.
Baby Powder
While baby powder won't kill the grubs, it is a good deterrent for your lawn or garden to make them eat elsewhere. Individual bulbs planted in a garden can be dusted in baby powder before they are planted, or the yard can be sprinkled with it; grubs will not want to eat the grass and go elsewhere in search of food. The baby powder also helps to keep plants from rotting and dissuades other pests; whatever it touches leaves a bad taste for insects.
Nematodes are the most numerous multicellular animals on earth and are most present in healthy topsoil and fertilizer. Nematodes also love to eat grubs, so the more of them you have in your yard, the better protected it will be from grubs and other parasites. By purchasing fertilizer or topsoil, spreading it across the lawn and watering it constantly, nematodes will multiply and feast on the grubs in the lawn, along with other parasitic organisms.
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