Is There a Use for Lemon Seeds?
Is There a Use for Lemon Seeds?. It's common to hear of people using lemon juice for cooking, cleaning the house and medicinal purposes, such as relieving stress. However, the fruit's seeds also have their own uses.
It's common to hear of people using lemon juice for cooking, cleaning the house and medicinal purposes, such as relieving stress. However, the fruit's seeds also have their own uses.

Lemons are typically grown from seeds, which are planted and sprouted as trees. Lemon trees can stand from 10 feet to 20 feet tall, and can produce fruit for more than 30 years.

Oil is extracted from lemon seeds to use in skin lotions and shower gels. It provides a refreshing scent, and moisturizes and nourishes the skin with vitamin C and antioxidants.

Consuming lemon seeds can kill parasites like threadworms. It's recommended that for three or four days, you crush 1 tbsp. of seeds (or 1/2 tbsp. for children), boil them in a cup of milk, strain the mixture and drink it.
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