How Much Grass Seed Will I Need Per Square Foot?
How Much Grass Seed Will I Need Per Square Foot?. One of the benefits of growing grass from seed is the choice available. Homeowners may choose grass seed based on the amount of sun and shade their yard receives, as well as the amount of traffic. Homeowners should consider their needs and growing conditions when selecting a grass type.
One of the benefits of growing grass from seed is the choice available. Homeowners may choose grass seed based on the amount of sun and shade their yard receives, as well as the amount of traffic. Homeowners should consider their needs and growing conditions when selecting a grass type.

In general, the larger the seed, the more you'll need, but seeding rates vary by type. To determine the amount of seed you'll need per square foot, consider the grass type. Kentucky bluegrass requires 1 to 2 lbs. of seed per 1,000 square feet. Perennial ryegrass and tall fescue requires 5 to 9 lbs. of seed; fine fescue requires 3 to 5 lbs. of seed.

Excessive seeding, according to Cornell University, provides no benefits and causes grass seed to compete for water and nutrients. "Seeding at the correct rate or slightly lower encourages lateral spreading of the grass plants."

When renovating bare patches, determine the amount of square footage by measuring the width and length of the patch and multiplying it to find the square footage. Mix 1 part seed with 3 parts soil in a bucket, advises Cornell University, and spread evenly on the patch to ensure good coverage.

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