Tropical Plants and Tolerable Temperature Ranges
Tropical Plants and Tolerable Temperature Ranges. The range in which tropical plants grow in the United States is narrow, consisting of areas in the South—such as southern Florida—that are characterized by low risk of freezing temperatures.
The range in which tropical plants grow in the United States is narrow, consisting of areas in the South—such as southern Florida—that are characterized by low risk of freezing temperatures.
Tropical plants sustain damage when exposed to temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the University of Illinois Extension website. Bring tropical plants indoors before temperatures fall below 60 degrees or store them somewhere with a constant temperature between 55 and 60 degrees until cold weather passes.
Sub-tropical plants do not normally do well in temperatures below freezing. They can be acclimated to withstand near-freezing temperatures over a period of time, however, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension website. Acclimation works best when the temperature decrease is gradual and steady.
In areas where tropical plants may not be grown due to climate issues, gardeners may grow many such plants in containers indoors. Most houseplants actually originate from tropical or sub-tropical regions, according to the Smithsonian Institution website.
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