Skunks Are Digging Grubs in My Lawn
Skunks Are Digging Grubs in My Lawn. Green grass in the spring and summer makes the landscaping look appealing. However, if the lawn is not maintained, Japanese beetles can lay eggs in the lawn that turn into grub larvae.
Green grass in the spring and summer makes the landscaping look appealing. However, if the lawn is not maintained, Japanese beetles can lay eggs in the lawn that turn into grub larvae.
In July, in most parts of the United States, Japanese beetles will lay their eggs in the lawn. When the eggs hatch, they are grub larvae, which burrow underground and feed on grass roots.
Skunks are night feeders that have a keen sense of smell. The skunk searches out the grubs underground. In doing so, the skunks dig holes the size of a quarter in diameter and 1 to 2 inches deep to eat the grubs.
Preventing Grubs
Lawns treated with imidacloprid anytime between April 1 and Aug. 15 just once will not have grub infestations, thus leaving skunks with no reason to dig up the lawn. The imidacloprid prevents the Japanese beetle eggs from hatching.
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