Yellow Leaves on Potato Plants
Yellow Leaves on Potato Plants. Finding yellow leaves on potato plants can be a disheartening experience for many gardeners. Fortunately, this problem is easily diagnosed and is often easily and inexpensively treated as well.
Finding yellow leaves on potato plants can be a disheartening experience for many gardeners. Fortunately, this problem is easily diagnosed and is often easily and inexpensively treated as well.
Aphids can cause potato leaves to turn yellow and curl inward. These tiny pink or green insects attach themselves to the undersides of the foliage. You can wash the pests off with a garden hose or use an insecticidal soap.
If your potato leaves appear to be wilting, you could have leafhoppers. These bugs are brown or yellow and around 1/3-inch long. They jump from leaf to leaf, hence the name. You can also control this pest with insecticidal soap.
Yellow leaves that have a crinkly appearance can be a sign of Mosaic Virus. This disease is spread by aphids. Some varieties are resistant to this pest. Try to plant Kennebec, Snowflake or Monona if possible.
If the stems of your potato plants are also yellow, you may have a disease known as Fusarium Wilt. This is caused by a fungus in the soil. Dig up infected specimens as soon as this disease is noticed. Rotating crops can often help prevent outbreaks of this disease.
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