English Ivy Growth Rate
English Ivy Growth Rate. English Ivy, also known as Hedera helix, can grow up to 9 feet per year. English ivy leaf shapes vary upon the maturity of the plant; immature plants have three to five lobes and fully mature leaves are one-lobed and produce flowers.
English Ivy, also known as Hedera helix, can grow up to 9 feet per year. English ivy leaf shapes vary upon the maturity of the plant; immature plants have three to five lobes and fully mature leaves are one-lobed and produce flowers.
According to the University of Florida, there are several species of English ivy; exact growth rate and growth stats will depend upon the cultivar. As a ground cover, English ivy commonly grows between 6 to 12 inches tall, however it can climb up trees and buildings up to 50 feet tall.
Once the ivy has reached a point where it can go no higher, it matures and will bloom with white flowers and blackish purple seeds.
English ivy is considered invasive because it engulfs and overtakes trees when uncontrolled. According to the Plant Conservation Alliance, English ivy has drastically disturbed the environments in 18 U.S. states and in the District of Columbia, with its aggressive growth patterns.
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