My Crab Apple Tree Is Losing Its Leaves Early
My Crab Apple Tree Is Losing Its Leaves Early. Crabapple trees produce beautiful spring flowers and attractive little fruits that are eaten by wildlife. But the tree can lose its charm when the leaves fall off prematurely. Early leaf loss means the tree is likely suffering from a disease called apple scab.

Crabapple trees produce beautiful spring flowers and attractive little fruits that are eaten by wildlife. But the tree can lose its charm when the leaves fall off prematurely. Early leaf loss means the tree is likely suffering from a disease called apple scab.
The first symptoms of apple scab appear in May or early June and consist of olive-green or oil-soaked spots on the leaves. On mature leaves, the infection consists of black, velvety spots that appear slightly raised. Eventually, the leaves turn yellow and fall off the tree prematurely.
Apple scab is a fungal disease that starts attacking newly emerging leaves in the spring. The fungus appears during moist conditions. Eventually, apple scab moves to the fruit, leaving dark, leathery spots on the crabapples.
Apply fungicides when the leaves first emerge. The spray is applied again every two weeks until the tree receives a total of three applications.
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