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An Ornamental Shrub With Orange Berries

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An Ornamental Shrub With Orange Berries

An Ornamental Shrub With Orange Berries. Several hardy shrubs, some of them evergreen, produce bright-orange berries in late fall and winter, adding color to the cold months. Many provide food for fruit-eating birds, such as robins, thrushes and cedar waxwings.

Several hardy shrubs, some of them evergreen, produce bright-orange berries in late fall and winter, adding color to the cold months. Many provide food for fruit-eating birds, such as robins, thrushes and cedar waxwings.
Firethorn (Pyracantha)
Firethorn (Pyracantha) berries shade from bright orange to red orange. The spiny shrubs are hardy to United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone 6 and have dark green leaves, evergreen in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 7 and above. They do best in full sun. Pyracantha Mohave grows 15 feet tall in 10 years and bears deep-orange berries. Pyracantha Gnozam is a dwarf variety with orange berries that grows 6-feet tall.
Seaberry (Hippophae Rhamnoides)
Seaberry (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a deciduous shrub that grows 25-feet tall. It is hardy to USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 4 and produces edible, orange berries with seven times the vitamin C of lemons. Seaberry needs a male pollinator plant to produce fruit on female plants. Amber Dawn and Baikal are dwarf female varieties, growing to 6-feet tall. Plant seaberry in full sun.
Cotoneaster franchettii
An old-fashioned shrub, this variety of cotoneaster blooms profusely in spring with pale pink flowers followed by orange berries beloved by birds. Hardy to USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 5, it is semievergreen; it drops its leaves in a cold winter. It grows 8-feet tall in full sun or part shade.

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