Can I Cut My Asparagus Ferns Down?
Can I Cut My Asparagus Ferns Down?. Asparagus ferns are used for house plants, bedding and florist greenery. A number of species of asparagus fern; such as sprengeri, foxtail and plumose; grow in gardens or pots. Asparagus ferns are low-maintenance plants.

Asparagus ferns are used for house plants, bedding and florist greenery. A number of species of asparagus fern; such as sprengeri, foxtail and plumose; grow in gardens or pots. Asparagus ferns are low-maintenance plants.
The asparagus fern is a member of the lily family and a relative of the green vegetable. The asparagus officinalis pseudoscaber has the appearance of asparagus stalks when it emerges from the ground in springtime. It is a tall, airy plant for a flower bed. Pieces of the feathery sprengeri fern are cut from the plant and are used in floral arrangements.
The sprengeri foxtail fern grows in gardens and containers. Prune away only the old and dead fronds from the base of the plant. Do not cut back the entire planet.
The plumosa asparagus fern has very sharp thorns on its thin, vine-like fronds. If a frond grows too long for the area where the houseplant is kept, it can be cut from the main plant. Keep the dead fronds trimmed away from the plant for a neat appearance.
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