Why Does Sap Run Out of the Peach Tree?
Why Does Sap Run Out of the Peach Tree?. One of the main causes of oozing, gummy sap dripping down a peach tree's trunk suggests the presence of peach tree borers. Another cause of amber-colored sap may point to a cytospora canker, a harmful fungal disease.

One of the main causes of oozing, gummy sap dripping down a peach tree's trunk suggests the presence of peach tree borers. Another cause of amber-colored sap may point to a cytospora canker, a harmful fungal disease.
Peach tree borers are the larvae of a type of clearwing moth. The larvae bore into the tree to feed before changing into the pupal stage in late spring. Cytospora cankers comes from several species of fungi from the genus Cytospora.
Damage from peach tree borers occurs as holes in the lower part of the peach tree's trunk or in the lower crotches. The leaves and branches may wilt while trees with severe infestations may die. Cytospora attacks weak or stressed peach trees by girdling the tree until it dies.
Control both peach tree borers and cytospora by taking proper care of your tree so it can better tolerate any problems. Use of nematodes offers a natural way to control borers. Apply fungicides on wounded areas of your peach tree to keep cytospora from killing your peach tree.
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