What is the Most Fragrant Honeysuckle?
What is the Most Fragrant Honeysuckle?. Winter honeysuckles are the most fragrant because of their intense aroma that permeates the air during the cold winter months. Even though the flowers are small and inconspicuous, their sweet, powerful scent can be detected for miles.
Winter honeysuckles are the most fragrant because of their intense aroma that permeates the air during the cold winter months. Even though the flowers are small and inconspicuous, their sweet, powerful scent can be detected for miles.
Plant Description
The winter honeysuckle is a woody shrub that grows 6 to 8 feet tall. It contains white and pink blooms that exude a strong, lemony aroma during the months of January and February. When most flowers are dormant, the winter honeysuckle produces round, yellowish-green to dark green leaves that last until late autumn.
Winter honeysuckles thrive in loamy, well-drained soil and prefer full sun to partial shade during the day.
Pruning is done annually after flowering to shape and prevent overgrowth. Healthy blooms and budded branches may be cut and used as floral arrangements.
Fun Facts
The shrub's genus name, Lonicera fragrantissima, is derived from Adam Lonitzer, who was a naturalist and author. The honor of being named after the fragrant plant was bestowed to Lonitzer by famous botanist Carl Linnaeus.
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