How to Care for Euphorbia Characias 'Silver Swan'
How to Care for Euphorbia Characias 'Silver Swan'. Euphorbia characias "Silver Swan" is a perennial growing up to 36 inches tall and equally wide. It is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture gardening zones 7 to 10, and has striking grayish-green and silver-white variegated foliage that grows in a tight mound. Flowers are produced spring through...
Euphorbia characias "Silver Swan" is a perennial growing up to 36 inches tall and equally wide. It is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture gardening zones 7 to 10, and has striking grayish-green and silver-white variegated foliage that grows in a tight mound. Flowers are produced spring through summer, and though the flowers are not showy, they are surrounded by white and green bracts, giving the plant an attractive, dramatic appearance. It is a great companion to plants with darker foliage and flowers, and does well in containers.
Things You'll Need
Hand pruner
All-purpose fertilizer
Grow silver swan in full sun. In very hot areas, it can tolerate afternoon shade.
Water during dry spells, but do not overwater. Euphorbias can tolerate drought conditions, and should be allowed to dry out between waterings.
Trim in the early spring to maintain compact shape and size. Remove spent flower stalks, cutting the stalks all the way to the base. This promotes new stems.
Wear gloves when working with silver swan. Cut stems leak a milky sap, which is irritating to the skin and poisonous if eaten.
Fertilize every six months with an all-purpose fertilizer.
Plant silver swan in very well drained soil since it rots if the roots remain wet.
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