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How to Build a Large Planter Box on Wheels

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How to Build a Large Planter Box on Wheels

How to Build a Large Planter Box on Wheels. Planter boxes make versatile additions to patios and porches. To make your planter boxes even more versatile you can make them mobile too. You can build planter boxes with wheels using casters and wheel attachments. Building the planter box, wheels included, takes roughly a day if you decide to paint it....

Planter boxes make versatile additions to patios and porches. To make your planter boxes even more versatile you can make them mobile too. You can build planter boxes with wheels using casters and wheel attachments. Building the planter box, wheels included, takes roughly a day if you decide to paint it. This project provides specifications for a 36-by-6-inch box, although you can adapt these plans to fit any length or widths up to 12 inches.
Things You'll Need
3 36-inch long 2-by-6-inch boards for the planter base and sides
2 8 1/2-inch long 2-by-6-inch boards for the planter ends
Drill and screwdriver drill bit
2-inch wood screws
Wood glue
2-inch wide paintbrush
4 Casters and wheels
Place a long board sideways between two clamps with the edge facing you. Apply a bead of glue along the length of this edge. Set the board down flat on the bench.
Place a long board lengthwise along the glued edge of the flat board. Make the ends flush. Drill four screws equidistant through the side of the standing board through the edge of the flat board.
Tip the boards so the edge of the flat board faces up. Apply a bead of glue along the length of this edge. Lower the board flat.
Place the last long board lengthwise along the glued edge of the flat board. Make the ends flush. Drill four screws equidistant through the side of the upright board into the edge of the flat board.
Tip the planter box up so one of the short sides is in the air. Apply a bead of glue to the short edge of the three boards. Set the boards back down on the work area.
Put a short board against the edges of the long boards with the ends flush. Drill three screws along each side through the short board into the ends of the long boards.
Tip the planter up on its remaining open side. Apply your glue along the edges of the boards. Put the planter box down flat.
Position the remaining board against the ends of the three boards and make the ends flush. Drill three screws around the edges through the short board.
Flip the planter box upside down. Drill five holes along one side of the box length. Drill five more holes in similar fashion but between the first set of five forming a zigzag pattern.
Sand the edges and corners to remove rough spots. Apply outdoor stain to the entire surface of the planter box. Allow the planter to dry.
Set the planter box upside down. Screw the swivel caster plates into position at each corner of the box. The screws should be in the package with the swivel casters and plates. The plates hold the wheels to the planter box.
Insert the wheels into the holes of the caster plates. Make sure they snap into place.

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