How to Grow Bottlebrush Buckeye
How to Grow Bottlebrush Buckeye. Bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) delivers year-round beauty to gardeners fortunate to grow this undemanding native shrub. Though some of the plant parts are toxic, its size often presents the biggest challenge. Once established, the plant unfurls purple-bronze leaves early each spring. As they mature to...
Bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) delivers year-round beauty to gardeners fortunate to grow this undemanding native shrub. Though some of the plant parts are toxic, its size often presents the biggest challenge. Once established, the plant unfurls purple-bronze leaves early each spring. As they mature to deep green, summer's lavish, bottlebrush blooms follow. Brilliant, golden fall leaves, attractive fruit and the bare elegance of bottlebrush buckeye's winter framework finish out the year. Through it all, the shrub invites gardeners to relax and enjoy the show, asking little more than room to grow.
Light and Site Preferences
In its native Southeast U.S. habitat, bottlebrush buckeye takes its place in semi-shaded understories of native woodlands. In warm climates, the plant suffers leaf scorch unless given shade. Bottlebrush buckeye tolerates direct sun under less-intense northern rays, but it still benefits from midday protection. Neutral to slightly acidic soil pH suits bottlebrush best, but it adapts to all soil pH and soil types, including clay. Locate the plant in a well-drained location within easy viewing range. Hummingbirds and insect pollinators flock to its long-lasting, nectar-rich blooms and provide excellent summer entertainment.
Room to Grow
Bottlebrush buckeye isn't commonly to most nurseries and garden centers. Available plants may be small, but don't be swayed by their size. Depending on the setting, bottlebrush buckeye grows six inches or more in height and spreads 12 inches or farther each year. The long-lived plant suckers prolifically, steadily colonizing its surroundings and forming a beautiful, rounded mound. At maturity, the shrub stands up to 15 feet tall and spreads 15 feet or wider. Its graceful, horizontal branches curve upward slightly and flourish without pruning. The plant casts deep shade beneath it, eliminating the need for any maintenance weeding near its feet.
Ongoing Care
Consistent moisture provides necessary support the first two to three years after planting bottlebrush buckeye. Keep the soil moist but never soggy as the plant establishes anchoring roots for future growth. Once established, it needs little supplemental watering, except in drought. The shrub dislikes prolonged dryness, and regular moisture sustains the erect, foot-long flower panicles that inspire its name -- the white blooms' red anthers and pinkish-white filaments extend far beyond the petal tips, like bristles on a bottlebrush. Average garden soil provides sufficient nutrition, and pests and disease rarely bother this plant. Bottlebrush leaves stay fresh and attractive until they drop in a golden flurry come fall.
Hardiness and Cautions
Bottlebrush buckeye is reliably hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. Many gardeners grow the plant in sheltered locations in USDA zone 4 with mixed success -- and a 4- to 6-inch layer of protective organic mulch. In northern climates, the shrub rarely reaches its normal size. Three-inch-long, pear-shaped fruits appear regularly in warm climates, but cold-climate gardeners see few or none. Bright yellow husks encase the fruits and split to reveal chestnut-like, inedible nuts. Bottlebrush buckeye leaves and fruits are toxic to humans and many animals if ingested. Teach children to avoid the tempting husks and shiny nuts inside.
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