How to Know What do Water Snails Eat
How to Know What do Water Snails Eat. Ponds are decorative and create their own eco-system in which the different forms of life all support each other. Many pond owners buy snails to help suppress algae problems. Freshwater fish tanks can also provide a home for water snails. But there are a number of different snails that live in water. It is...

Ponds are decorative and create their own eco-system in which the different forms of life all support each other. Many pond owners buy snails to help suppress algae problems. Freshwater fish tanks can also provide a home for water snails. But there are a number of different snails that live in water. It is important to know just what water snails do eat to make sure your snail and your environment will get along the way you want.
Many types of snails live in fresh water. But be very careful about buying snails for your pond. There is only one kind of snail you will really want for your outdoor pond. The Japanese Trapdoor Snail (Viviparis malleatus) will not eat your plants, but will help keep the algae under control and help clean the bottom of the pond as well.

Ramshorn snails (Planorbis) can be kept in freshwater aquariums and ponds. These are the typical flattened snail that can hitch-hike in on water plants, pots or other pond and aquarium paraphernalia. The ramshorn snail will eat algae and the detritus that settles to the bottom. But they will also chew holes in water plants and can become somewhat destructive. You are safer with the Black Japanese Trapdoor Snail for both pond and aquarium.

The mystery or apple snail is another popular snail kept as an aquarian pet. These should never be used in an outdoor pond as they could become invasive in a warm climate. There is a very cute site listed below that gives you very complete information on the apple or mystery snail. These snails will also decimate your water plants.

Although there are many more types of fresh water snails, these are the most commonly collected types for ponds and aquaria. If you want a snail that lives in harmony with your water environment you can see how it is important to know what water snails eat! For more information on water snails and what they eat, please checks the additional Resources and links below.
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