Can I Grow an Aloe Plant From a Leaf?
Can I Grow an Aloe Plant From a Leaf?. Aloe, a native plant from Africa, offers medicinal value and easy transplanting. In all, 180 species of aloe exist, all considered succulents. Aloe plants range in size from a few inches to some that look like small trees. The most popular plant, aloe vera, is commonly used to treat burns and wounds.

Aloe, a native plant from Africa, offers medicinal value and easy transplanting. In all, 180 species of aloe exist, all considered succulents. Aloe plants range in size from a few inches to some that look like small trees. The most popular plant, aloe vera, is commonly used to treat burns and wounds.
Aloe vera starts as a rosette from which grow fleshy leaves of up to 10 inches long. The leaves feature short, soft prickles. The plant produces yellow, cigar-shaped flowers that appear on long stems and grow to about 1 inch in length.
The plants can be propagated from the leaves of mature plants. Use leaves, also called offsets or pups, that come from the base of the plant. Cut off a leaf a few inches in length, let the leaf's wound dry and scab for a few days and then plant the leaf in potting soil. Aloes also grow from seed.
The leaves of aloe vera are cut lengthwise to extract the sticky sap inside. The sap is applied directly to insect bites, small cuts or minor burns. The sap can also be dried and turned into a crystalline substance called aloin. Aloin is used to aid digestion.
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