How to HydroSeed
How to HydroSeed. Hydroseeding is the technique of spraying seeds into place. It is an efficient and cost efficient way to cover larger areas with plants. It is also a good way to stabilize soil on hillsides. You can even hydroseed your lawn.

Hydroseeding is the technique of spraying seeds into place. It is an efficient and cost efficient way to cover larger areas with plants. It is also a good way to stabilize soil on hillsides. You can even hydroseed your lawn.
The concept of hydroseeding is simply that seed is mixed with an organic binding material that is highly water absorbent so the seeds are held in place while they germinate. This mixture includes fertilizer and usually some colorant in the slurry so the person applying it can see where it has been sprayed. It is probably the most efficient way to seed open areas quickly and relatively inexpensively.

Some binders are made from recycled newspapers or other ecologically friendly substances.
You can rent a hydroseeder or hire an expert to do your hydro-seeding.
The area should be prepared as thoroughly as possible by removing weeds, adding any desired amendments and turning soil as needed. Aeration works well with hydroseeding as the little holes punched in the soil make great traps for seeds to root into.
You can then choose whatever variety of seed you want included in the mix. Lawns can be mixed and seeded more efficiently than hand seeding. Wildflowers can be chosen and mixed into your own recipe and sprayed on open fields or hillsides to cover large open areas that would otherwise create dust or have problems with erosion.
Easier and cheaper than hand planting, with better germination than hand seeding, hydroseeding is a great way to plant large areas that need living coverage.

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