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How to Build a Trellis for Muscadines

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How to Build a Trellis for Muscadines

How to Build a Trellis for Muscadines. A trellis can be constructed for vines, herbs, flowers or plants. It is an ideal structure on which to grow muscadines---a type of grape. If planted correctly, the muscadines will climb up the trellis and be held up to support the fruit. Building a trellis for muscadines requires some patience and time. Keep...

A trellis can be constructed for vines, herbs, flowers or plants. It is an ideal structure on which to grow muscadines---a type of grape. If planted correctly, the muscadines will climb up the trellis and be held up to support the fruit. Building a trellis for muscadines requires some patience and time. Keep in mind that the end result you want for the muscadines trellis a tic-tac-toe board effect, from the pieces of wood nailed together.
Things You'll Need
4 planks of wood, 1 1/2 inches wide by 4 feet long
4 planks of wood, 1 1/2 inches wide by 4 1/2 feet long
Tape measure
3/4- to 1-inch roundhead nails
Electric screwdriver
Hook screws
Find a stable place for a trellis to be anchored to in your yard. If should be hung off of a wall, the side of a house or shed, with enough space for it to be hung at least 5 inches above the ground. Make sure the area is large enough for the trellis to be secured.
Place the planks of wood, wide side down, on the ground. Take the four planks that are 4 feet long and 1 1/2 inches wide. Place them parallel to each other on the ground, 6 to 12 inches apart. Line them up evenly next to each other. Wear gloves when working with the planks.
Take the four planks that are 4 1/2 feet long by 1 1/2 inches wide and set them in a pile. Take one board, and lay it perpendicular across the other four, at the top or bottom. Line up the edges of the wood planks. Use the hammer and four nails to secure the perpendicular board to the other four boards.
Measure 6 inches down from the board you just nailed down. Place the second board perpendicular across the four boards laying on the ground. Secure this board with four nails, straight across, just as you did with the first board. Repeat this procedure with the two remaining boards.
Pick up the trellis. All the boards should be secured together, and it should look like a tic-tac-toe board. If you need to add more nails, do so.
Use the level and mark on the wall or side of house or shed, where the trellis will be secured. The trellis should be at least 5 inches from the ground to the bottom of the trellis for the muscadines.
Insert three hooks into the wall or fence with the electric screwdriver, one on each side of the trellis, and one in the center of the trellis. Depending on the type of material you are inserting the hooks into, you may need to use something more powerful. Hang the trellis on the hooks and make sure it is secure.
Plant the muscadines underneath the trellis, 2 feet apart, two plants per trellis. When they grow, hook the plants and leaves into the trellis.
Tips & Warnings
Be careful when working with sharp materials or power tools. Wear the gloves for your safety.

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