How to Grow a Euonymus Plant
How to Grow a Euonymus Plant. Euonymus plants are available in many varieties, and each variety has its own needs and requirements for growing. Dwarf varieties do not need as much space to grow as regular-sized varieties; and some varieties, such as the Wintercreeper Euonymus, can climb if planted near supports. While there are many different kinds...
Euonymus plants are available in many varieties, and each variety has its own needs and requirements for growing. Dwarf varieties do not need as much space to grow as regular-sized varieties; and some varieties, such as the Wintercreeper Euonymus, can climb if planted near supports. While there are many different kinds of euonymus plants, some general guidelines apply to most plants; however, consider any individual growing needs your specific variety may have.
Things You'll Need
Garden rake or tiller
Choose a location in full sun or partial shade. If your euonymus plant is a climbing variety, if desired, you can plant near a support, such as a trellis, fence or wall.
Improve the soil condition so that it drains water well. To do so, till the top 18 inches of soil and mix in a few inches of compost, sand or peat moss.
Plant the euonymus plant. Dig a hole that is two times as wide as the current container's width, but just as deep. Take the plant out of the container and set it in the hole. Use the plant's mature spread to determine how far apart to space multiple plants. For example, Euonymus japonicus has a spread of 4 to 6 feet, so plant them about 4 to 6 feet apart.
Fill the hole with soil and pack it firm with your hands to get rid of any voids.
Water well and cover the under the entire canopy of the plant with about 2 inches of mulch. Do not mulch right next to the stems; leave about an inch of space.
Continue to water when rain is scarce. Generally about an inch of water a week is sufficient during the growing season, usually from March until October.
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