How to Make a Mayan Hanging Chair
How to Make a Mayan Hanging Chair. The Mayan hammock chair is an experience in luxury. Enjoy the comfort of this soft cotton chair by making one at home. Mayan artisans spend countless hours knotting the cotton cords to make their quality hammocks.For this project you can buy a less-expensive single-size hammock from the home and garden store. The...

The Mayan hammock chair is an experience in luxury. Enjoy the comfort of this soft cotton chair by making one at home. Mayan artisans spend countless hours knotting the cotton cords to make their quality hammocks.
For this project you can buy a less-expensive single-size hammock from the home and garden store. The project is fairly easy to do using easily found materials and simple tools.
Things You'll Need
1 small cotton hammock
Hammock tie-down strap with rings attached
Hardwood dowel 1 by 24 inches long
Power drill with 3/8 inch bit
2 large carabiner clips
Hanging from a tree branch
Drill a hole through each end of the hardwood dowel. The holes should be about an inch in from the ends.
Attach a carabiner clip to each end of the dowel through the holes you just drilled.
Fasten the ends of the hammock strap to the carabiner clips by slipping one of the rings of the strap into the carabiner clip on each end of the dowel.
Find the point of the hammock strap that is in the middle and pass it over a sturdy tree branch. Pull it down to raise the chair to the height that you want it to be.
Tie off the strap by first wrapping the end of the strap around twice and the go over and back down through the two wrap loops. Tie a knot again below that and the chair is ready to sit in.
Tips & Warnings
A handy way to hang Mayan hammock chairs is by using an old child's swingset frame.
Use a nylon hammock if you wish to keep it outdoors all the time.
Wearing safety glasses when using power tools.
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