How to Grow Your Own Herbs & Spices
How to Grow Your Own Herbs & Spices. Herbs and spices are expensive to purchase. They are less flavorful than fresh herbs and spices that you can grow at home. Herbs and spices are well suited to large pots that can hang just outside your window or even be placed inside on the windowsill. Imagine making a fresh pasta sauce with homegrown Italian...

Herbs and spices are expensive to purchase. They are less flavorful than fresh herbs and spices that you can grow at home. Herbs and spices are well suited to large pots that can hang just outside your window or even be placed inside on the windowsill. Imagine making a fresh pasta sauce with homegrown Italian herbs and spices. You just need a few basic items and a sunny place to grow your herbs. Enjoy the fragrance of the plants while planning your meal, and pick them at the moment they are needed during cooking.
Things You'll Need
1 large pot
1 bag organic potting soil
Basil seedling
Oregano seedling
Sage seedling
Parsley seedling
Bay seedling
Watering can
Kitchen shears
How to Grow Your Own Herbs and Spices
Fill a large pot with potting soil. Work the soil with your hands to ensure that there are no large clumps and that the soil is loose.
Dig five evenly spaced small holes in the soil using a trowel. The holes should be slightly deeper than the root base of the seedlings. Place the seedlings into the holes. Fill in around the seedlings with the dirt that you removed with the trowel. Lightly pack the soil around each of the seedlings with your hands.
Fill a watering can with water. Water the seedlings thoroughly. Refer to the seedling packages for specific care instructions. As a general rule, water once a week or when the soil becomes dry. Water thoroughly less often rather than frequent light watering.
Harvest your herbs and spices as needed using a pair of kitchen shears.
Tips & Warnings
Harvest your herbs just before use to achieve the freshest taste in your cooking.
Do not over water your plants. Follow any plant-specific care instructions carefully.
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