How to Get Starts from Honeysuckle Plants
How to Get Starts from Honeysuckle Plants. Honeysuckle vine can grow from 8 to 12 feet in a season, flowering in summer with pink, white, red or yellow blossoms that are extremely fragant. They can sprawl on the ground or be trained to twine over a fence, trellis or deck rail. Plant honeysuckle in rich, moist, well-drained soil where they can get...
Honeysuckle vine can grow from 8 to 12 feet in a season, flowering in summer with pink, white, red or yellow blossoms that are extremely fragant. They can sprawl on the ground or be trained to twine over a fence, trellis or deck rail. Plant honeysuckle in rich, moist, well-drained soil where they can get full to partial sun for most of the day. Depending on the cultivar, honeysuckle can be either annual or perennial. Both types can be easily propagated through stem cuttings.
Things You'll Need
Sharp knife
Rooting hormone
Flower pots
Potting soil
Transparent bags (optional)
Plant mister (optional)
Take several 6-inch cuttings from the honeysuckle vine with a sharp knife. Make the first cut slightly above a set of leaves, with the second cut below the set of leaves, slightly above the next set. Make both cuts at a 45-degree angle, not straight across, to leave the widest area for absorbing water and root hormone.
Sprinkle 1/2 tsp. of rooting hormone powder onto a piece of paper. Roll the bottom ends of the honeysuckle cuttings in the hormone until they are covered.
Fill small flower pots with moist potting soil. Plunge the hormone-covered ends about 2 inches down into the soil, pressing the soil down with your fingers to ensure firm contact.
Place the potted honeysuckle cuttings in a warm, sunny room and keep them moist until roots develop, which should be in three to six weeks. Speed the rooting process by bagging the cuttings in transparent plastic bags. Open the bag to ventilate and mist the cuttings daily, then reseal them.
Tips & Warnings
Don't dip cuttings into a bottle of rooting hormone. If any fungus or bacteria are present on the cut stem, you'll contaminate your entire supply.
Keep bagged cuttings out of direct sunlight or the temperature inside will spike, much the same as a car's interior does when you leave the windows rolled up.
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