How to Care for Goldflame Spirea
How to Care for Goldflame Spirea. Goldflame spirea is a deciduous shrub that grows to heights of 2 to 3 feet, with a spread of 3 to 4 feet. It has a mounded form and is hardy in United States Department of Agriculture zones 4 though 8. Goldflame spirea is a native shrub of China or Japan, and it grows well in most types of soils -- from sand to...
Goldflame spirea is a deciduous shrub that grows to heights of 2 to 3 feet, with a spread of 3 to 4 feet. It has a mounded form and is hardy in United States Department of Agriculture zones 4 though 8. Goldflame spirea is a native shrub of China or Japan, and it grows well in most types of soils -- from sand to clay. The small pink flowers appear in the summer among the red leaves. In the summer, the foliage changes to yellow-green, and in the winter the leaves turn orange.
Things You'll Need
5-5-5 all-purpose fertilizer
Insecticidal soap
Pruning shears
Examine the area where the Goldflame spirea grows. It likes to have full sun exposure.
Place a 2-inch layer of organic mulch around the Goldflame spirea. The mulch helps the soil retain moisture, keeps weeds from growing -- and as it decays into the soil, it adds nutrients. Keep the mulch 1 to 2 inches away from the base of the spirea to prevent disease or insects from damaging the bark.
Water the Goldflame spirea to keep the soil moist, during the first two seasons, by providing the shrub an inch of water per week. By the third year, the plant is well established. Cut back on watering and only provide water if your area goes through an extended drought.
Feed the Goldflame spirea in the spring with an all-purpose slow-release fertilizer of 5-5-5. For proper growth, spireas only need one application. Do not fertilize in the fall, because doing so may promote new growth, susceptible to damage during the winter.
Inspect the leaves for small green, yellow, brown, red or black aphids. They often cause the leaves on the Goldflame spirea to curl, distort, stunt or yellow. Control the aphid problem by spraying the plant with insecticidal soap. This soap is sold at most garden-supply stores. Mix and apply according to label directions.
Prune the Goldflame spirea with pruning shears every one to two years, by cutting the branches back by 1/3 in the spring. Remove dead or old branches, cutting them down to ground level.
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