Uses for Household Cleaner Ammonia As a Fertilizer
Uses for Household Cleaner Ammonia As a Fertilizer. Many homeowners rely on commercial fertilizers that may contain toxins and be harmful for their garden's soil and plants in the long run. Luckily, however, ammonia is one of several household cleaning products that can also be used as a fertilizer in the garden. This alkaline cleaning solution...
Many homeowners rely on commercial fertilizers that may contain toxins and be harmful for their garden's soil and plants in the long run. Luckily, however, ammonia is one of several household cleaning products that can also be used as a fertilizer in the garden. This alkaline cleaning solution is not only economical but eco-friendly too.
Ammonia for Garden Plants
Ammonia is an excellent fertilizer because it contains nitrogen, which is an ingredient in commercial fertilizers. However, commercial fertilizers are not safe for the garden plants because they contain toxic chemicals. Diluted ammonia in distilled water serves as a nontoxic fertilizer for the plants because the nitrogen produced by ammonia is the main constituent required by all plants
to perform photosynthesis. Ammonia treatment can be given to the plants to enrich their photosynthesis process. If the roots do not absorb nitrogen within a few minutes, it escapes into the air.
Ammonia for the Marine Plants
Many aquarists pour small quantities of diluted ammonia into their tanks to keep aquatic plants alive, if plants do not receive sufficient ammonia through food decomposition by the fish.
Homemade Ammonia Spray
Pour 1 tsp. ammonia into 1 gallon of distilled water and mix it thoroughly. Pour this diluted ammonia solution into a garden hose spray bottle and attach a garden hose. Spray the fertilizer on the garden plants until the entire area is coated with the solution. Apply the diluted ammonia to your garden plants, three times every month to keep them healthy. Concentrated ammonia can destroy plants in the garden and can also kill certain aquarium fish.
Other Household Cleaners as Fertilizers
Vinegar is a common cleanser found in the kitchen that is useful in cleaning and cooking. It also serves as an excellent fertilizer for some plants that require an acidic environment. Vinegar reduces and stabilizes the pH balance of the soil, making it favorable for plants such as potatoes and roses. Baking soda is another household cleanser that plays an important role in the garden. When combined with vinegar, it produces carbon dioxide and water, which are useful to plants during photosynthesis. Some liquid dish soaps contain phosphates, which are among the most essential macronutrients required by plants. The dish soaps also repel insects and other pests. Dish soap diluted in water must be sprayed on leaves to nourish and protect the plants in the garden.
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