Types of White Daisies
Types of White Daisies. Daisies, in the aster family, include many common white varieties. The long-lasting flowers begin blooming in the late spring and are still blossoming in the fall. Some varieties leave seed heads for bird food through the fall and winter. Daisies are versatile. They thrive in just about any soil type, are easy to grow and...
Daisies, in the aster family, include many common white varieties. The long-lasting flowers begin blooming in the late spring and are still blossoming in the fall. Some varieties leave seed heads for bird food through the fall and winter. Daisies are versatile. They thrive in just about any soil type, are easy to grow and insects rarely bother them.
Ox-eye Daisy
Ox-eye (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) blooms from early to mid-season. This perennial grows to 3 feet tall and does well in full sun to light shade. Naturalized in the United States and Canada, it is so common that it is considered an invasive weed in some areas. It grows best in zones 3 to 9 but it will not bloom in areas that do not experience frost.
Shasta Daisy
The Shasta daisy (C. maximum) is a perennial with large white flowers and yellow centers. Once these daisies become established, they grow to up to 3 feet tall. Easily grown from seed or divided from established plants, this plant blooms better in the summertime in full sun and afternoon shade. The flower's ideal zones lie between zones 4 and 9 and it is adaptable to all soil conditions.
African Daisy
One variety of African daisy (Dimorphotheca aurantiaca) is a hardy annual and can be white in color. This daisy grows from April to August and requires full sun and well-drained soil. Dimorphotheca, its genus name, means "two shapes of seed"--it produces two non-identical seed forms. Zones 3 to 10 are the ideal for the African daisy.
English Daisy
Often found growing on lawns, the English daisy (Bellis perennis) has dark green leaves and 6-inch stems. The old-fashioned garden perennial has 3-inch blooms available in bright white. These daisies thrive in full sun except in warm areas--then they enjoy some shade during the day. The English daisy requires good soil and a great deal of water. Zones 4 to 8 are favorable for this daisy variety.
Marguerite Daisy
Bright green or silvery leaves characterize the short-lived marguerite daisy (Argyranthemum frutescens). Conducive to container gardening, each stem supports a white flower. Deadhead the plant regularly for continuous bloom. This daisy enjoys full sun. Any zone colder than zone 9 is not appropriate for the marguerite daisy.
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