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List the Names of Pine Trees

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List the Names of Pine Trees

List the Names of Pine Trees. In North America alone there are 35 different species of pine trees. Many are found in the Northern states, but most grow well in a variety of other regions. Evergreen pine trees have long needles with flowers that appear in the form of pine cones. Even if the soil in your region is poor and rainfall scarce, chances...

In North America alone there are 35 different species of pine trees. Many are found in the Northern states, but most grow well in a variety of other regions. Evergreen pine trees have long needles with flowers that appear in the form of pine cones. Even if the soil in your region is poor and rainfall scarce, chances are you can find a pine tree that will thrive under those conditions.
Austrian Pine
Otherwise known as the black pine, the Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) grows from 40 to 60 feet tall and is prized for its lush, deep green foliage. Although this tree is not native to North America, it thrives in full sun when planted just about anywhere in the North American continent, except for the Northern plains, Canadian prairies and some coastal areas.
Bristlecone Pine
With a lifespan of up to 4,000 years, the bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) is more commonly called the Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine, hickory pine or Colorado bristlecone pine. The bristlecone pine can grow up to 20 feet tall as well as wide, and thrives in full sun. While it can live in poor, rocky soil, this slow-growing tree does well in moist soils with good drainage. With the exception of urban pollution, there are few conditions that can shorten its lifespan.
Eastern White Pine
The states of Maine and Michigan, as well as the Canadian province of Ontario, have such a fondness for the eastern white pine that it's their official tree. The eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) is a fast-growing tree can reach heights up to 80 feet tall and grow foliage that's either dark green or bluish tones. This pine can grow just about anywhere in North America, but is extremely susceptible to damage by the white pine weevil, sawfly caterpillars, adelgids, bark beetles and eastern pine shoot moths.
Jack Pine
If you have poor-quality soil in a sandy or rocky area, the jack pine (Pinus banksiana) may be the perfect addition to your landscaping. The jack pine is a hardy, slow-growing tree can reach up to 40 feet tall and provides a shaded spread of up to 30 feet across.
Lace Bark Pine
The lace bark pine (Pinus bungeana) is a drought-tolerant tree widely known for its greenish-gray patterned bark with shades of red, white or brown. This needled evergreen tree originally found in China is slow-growing, but can reach heights up to 40 feet tall.
Pinyon Pine
Pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) is a stout, hardy tree commonly found in semi-arid regions of North America, such as New Mexico and Colorado. This tree grows up to 40 feet tall and will produce edible pine nuts, which are difficult to attain but worth the effort according to nut aficionados.

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