The Best Time to Trim Apple Trees
The Best Time to Trim Apple Trees. Apple trees are trimmed for a variety of reasons. Trimming removes upright branches that may break under a heavy load of fruit, according to North Carolina State University Extension. Trimming also removes dead and diseased limbs and opens the tree's center to more light.
Apple trees are trimmed for a variety of reasons. Trimming removes upright branches that may break under a heavy load of fruit, according to North Carolina State University Extension. Trimming also removes dead and diseased limbs and opens the tree's center to more light.
Trim apple trees in late winter while the tree is dormant and before new buds have formed, according to Virginia State University. Avoid trimming either immediately before or after very cold or very warm weather.
Trim older trees first, advises North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension. Wait to trim young trees until late winter because they tend to experience more winter injuries.
To control growth, growers may trim apple trees in the summer until the end of July. Trimming after that may cause winter injury because the tree doesn't have time to adequately harden off before cold temperatures arrive. Only trim new upright vigorous growth during the summer, reserving major pruning for late winter when the tree is dormant.
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