Live Oak Tree Insects
Live Oak Tree Insects. Live oak is a large tree species that grows in the warm, coastal temperatures of the southern United States. Although the live oak exhibits fast and hardy growth, it is susceptible to a variety of gall-causing insects.
Live oak is a large tree species that grows in the warm, coastal temperatures of the southern United States. Although the live oak exhibits fast and hardy growth, it is susceptible to a variety of gall-causing insects.
Horned Oak Gall Wasp
The horned oak gall wasp is a minor insect pest of the live oak. The small wasps form galls on the trees' foliage or twigs but do not severely affect the trees' health They are primarily an aesthetic problem for growers.
Mealy Oak Gall Wasp
Disholcaspis cinerosa, a small wasp species, causes galls on live oak trees. The galls form on the branches of oak trees and their larvae secrete chemicals that cause tissue swelling, which provides nutrients for the larvae.
Horned oak gall wasp control consists of chemical insecticide, pruning and burning areas where galls are present. Allow natural predators to control mealy oak gall wasp populations because injury in live oaks in not severe from the galls, and the use of insecticides can reduce natural predator populations.
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