Why Are My Zucchini Turning Yellow on the Plant?
Why Are My Zucchini Turning Yellow on the Plant?. Zucchini is a common summer vegetable that's so easy to grow many people end up with an overabundance of this squash. But diseases can attack the plants and cause the young squash to turn yellow.
Zucchini is a common summer vegetable that's so easy to grow many people end up with an overabundance of this squash. But diseases can attack the plants and cause the young squash to turn yellow.
Identifying the Problem
If your zucchini turn yellow and wither before they fully develop, your plant might have zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). This disease was identified only in 1981, so little is known about it, but it causes plants to become stunted and develop a yellow mosaic pattern and malformed leaves. Fruit can form knobs, turn yellow and sometimes crack.
Preventing ZYMV
The University of Connecticut website recommends purchasing zucchini seeds that have been bred to resist viral diseases. Control weeds and aphids, which can spread the disease. Do not handle your plants more than necessary because you can spread the virus from plant to plant on your hands or gloves.
Getting Rid of Aphids
This insect often causes plant diseases to spread. If an infestation is severe, aphid damage can cause zucchini leaves to curl and turn yellow, and plant weakness results in poor fruit. Spray with insecticidal soap when plants are not in full sun. Use a soap spray several days in a row until you see no further signs of this small, soft-bodied insect.
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