Are Evergreen Shrubs Safe for Dogs?
Are Evergreen Shrubs Safe for Dogs?. Some types of evergreen shrubs are not safe for dogs, according to “The Merck Veterinary Manual.” The toxins are in berries, seeds, leaves or bark. Dogs and puppies are prone to eat just about anything, even evergreen shrubs.

Some types of evergreen shrubs are not safe for dogs, according to "The Merck Veterinary Manual." The toxins are in berries, seeds, leaves or bark. Dogs and puppies are prone to eat just about anything, even evergreen shrubs.
Evergreen shrubs containing parts toxic to dogs include the oleander, the rhododendron, the yellow jessamine, the evening trumpet flower, the Carolina Jessamine, the yew, the laurel, the ivy bush, mistletoe and lambkill.
Signs of evergreen shrub poisoning in dogs vary depending on how much the dog ate and what species he ate. Call a vet if a dog suddenly vomits, vomits blood, has seizures, has uncontrollable muscle spasms, problems breathing, sudden bouts of diarrhea or dilated pupils.
Always research the species of shrub you wish to place in your landscape before purchasing to see if it is poisonous to pets. Explore the shrubs on your property and promptly remove any that are poisonous to your dog.
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