How to Store Spore Syringes
How to Store Spore Syringes. Many people who grow mushrooms order varieties not native to the areas where they live. Mushroom spore shipments arrive suspended in liquid inside spore syringes. The spore syringe looks exactly like a needle-less syringe used in medicine. Since it takes very little of the spore solution to start a batch of mushrooms,...

Many people who grow mushrooms order varieties not native to the areas where they live. Mushroom spore shipments arrive suspended in liquid inside spore syringes. The spore syringe looks exactly like a needle-less syringe used in medicine. Since it takes very little of the spore solution to start a batch of mushrooms, the question arises of how to store the remaining mixture in the syringe so that it remains viable.
Things You'll Need
Resealable sandwich bag
Place the plastic protective cap back onto the end of the spore syringe to prevent air from getting inside and to prevent the spore solution from spilling out.
Insert the spore syringe into a plastic, resealable sandwich bag and press down on the bag to eliminate all of the internal air. Roll the bag around the syringe in a circular manner until you reach the end of the plastic bag. Press the top of the bag together to seal it.
Insert the plastic bag and syringe into a refrigerator, preferably in a drawer where they will not be exposed to light. The spore syringes can remain viable in the refrigerator for between four and 12 months after purchase.
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