How to Make a Rope Trellis
How to Make a Rope Trellis. The best use of a rope trellis is to support pea and bean plants. The trellis allows for easier harvesting and it keeps the vegetables off the soil. When shopping for materials to make the rope trellis, look for posts that you can use for several seasons, such as metal or PVC posts. You need to sink the post two feet...

The best use of a rope trellis is to support pea and bean plants. The trellis allows for easier harvesting and it keeps the vegetables off the soil. When shopping for materials to make the rope trellis, look for posts that you can use for several seasons, such as metal or PVC posts. You need to sink the post two feet into the soil, so purchase posts that are tall enough to support the length of the plant you’ll be growing.
Things You'll Need
Posthole digger
Two posts
Vinyl-coated clothesline
Rope or cotton cording
Dig two holes that are two feet deep and 10 feet apart. Insert a stake into each hole and fill soil around it. Use your feet to tamp the earth at the base of each post.
Run the vinyl-coated clothesline from the top of one post to the top of the next, tying it tightly to each post. Run the line in the same manner, but at the bottom of each post.
Tie the end of the rope to the clothesline at the bottom of the left post. Pass it under the clothesline and run it up to and over the top clothesline. Wrap it around the clothesline once and then run it back to the bottom. Wrap it once around the bottom clothesline and run it back to the top, four to six inches from the previous length of rope.
Run the rope back to the bottom and repeat the procedure until you get to the other post. Cut the rope and tie it to the post or the bottom wire.
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